Tuesday 17 February 2015

England Rise Up Third in World Rugby Ranking and very Hopeful for RWC 2015

Rugby World Cup 2015 Hosts England beat Wales 21-16 in Six Nations at Cardiff Stadium. As this result England moves up in third World Rugby Ranking above Ireland. England now sits 0.29 points above Ireland and they are very close to each other. After that Scotland slipped their one place to ninth with Argentina. Ireland did not improve their ranking with the victory over Italy. Ireland will face Pool D with France, Romania and Canada in Rugby World Cup. Wales now stay at number 6th despite the defeat by their RWC 2015 opponents at Millennium Stadium. Georgia also did not improve their ranking and still at number 15th. Georgia remain the highest ranked of all European Nations cup teams in 15th. Georgia won against Portugal in Tabilisi but had no impact on their rating.

Now Romania who will face Ireland, France, Italy and Canada in pool D at Rugby World Cup 2015 also remain their rating at number 16th. Portugal moves up on 23rd as a result with Namibia’s Victory. Spain did not improve their position and on 21st but they are very close to Russians. England hosts of this coming world up are very hopeful for their best performance in RWC. They struggle hard to maintain their current rating and shows real game in RWC.

Rugby Fans are very hardly waiting for the coming Rugby World cup. RWC will start in November 2015. This time Rugby World Cup hosted by England. Rugby Fans can watch live performance of their favorite team in the England grounds by getting the help of our trusted station. They can get all information of match schedules and Tickets availability from SportsAndEventsTickets.Com

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