Friday 7 February 2014

Gay Rugby Team, Protest Against Sochi Winter Olympics:

Meet the Amsterdam Lowlanders: the main rugby club in the Netherlands organized by, however not select to, gay men.These young men have publicized their consternation at Dutch eminence going to the Sochi Winter Olympics, having furnished The Huffington Post with an elite first look inside their 2014 special schedule a year ago. Loaded with naked pictures of the players, stores raised through the offer of the schedule will empower the group to take part in the seventh version of Bingham Cup, the world gay rugby competition, in August 2014. Look at an in the background movie showcasing the making of the timetable above.

"What began off little is currently a flourishing Rugby Union group with a firm position inside our home at the Amstelveense Rugby Club," the aggregation notes in the schedule. "Moreover the Netherlands, the nationalities exhibit in the group incorporate Lebanon, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Italy, US, UK, Ireland, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Australia, Greece, Argentina, Romania, Spain and China."If you want to get rugby tickets,no more late,just dial 0207 1234 1234 or click here.

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